The Vashon Bird Alliance is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization. It encompasses two connected islands, Vashon and Maury, and is generally called Vashon Audubon. When it was founded in 1989 and until May 2024 its name was Vashon-Maury Island Audubon Society.

Our mission is to enjoy, learn about, and preserve birds and the diverse natural habitats of Vashon Island and beyond.

We’re currently focused on two priority areas: climate change and native plants for bird habitats.

Climate change is the biggest threat to birds because it is altering their habitats. In North America, 389 bird species face steep population declines—or extinction—because of rising temperatures. In King County, 66 species, including many that visit or live year-round on Vashon-Maury Island, are highly vulnerable to climate impacts.

Vashon Audubon is advocating for legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, educating our community about actions we can take to counter climate change, and working on projects such as the Heritage Museum bird habitat garden and the Heron Meadow mural.

Native plants provide food and shelter for birds. They create a sanctuary for nesting and overwintering birds, as well as a place for migrating birds to recharge during their long journeys. Our chapter is promoting the use of native plants to create an environment that’s good for birds and people.

We also conduct these ongoing activities:

Christmas Bird Count—citizen science that helps us track the status of local bird populations

Birding field trips—see the calendar of events page for upcoming trips

Free public presentations featuring expert speakers

Chautauqua fourth grade birding program—cultivating the next generation of birders for more than 25 years

Vashon High School scholarship—helping launch promising students

Board members
Sarah Driggs, President, Communications
Steve Hunter, Vice President, Legislative Advocacy
Katrin Fletter, Treasurer
Laura Bienen, Secretary
Heidi McWatters, Membership
Jim Evans, Conservation
Jody Pritchard, Volunteers
Adria Magrath, Programs
Karen Fevold
Brian Palermo
Suzanne Romain

Volunteer positions
Jen Steele, Climate Watch
Steve Hunter, Puget Sound Seabird Survey

To contact the board, send an email to info@vashonaudubon.org

Become a Vashon Audubon member »

Read a history of the chapter’s first 20 years »

Top photo: Golden-crowned Kinglet, Michael Elenko
Mission photo: White-crowned Sparrow, Jim Diers

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